Here is a little catch up on Baby B
21 weeks
-I have managed to gain 3lbs.
-I can't pin-point down any cravings except the occasional pickle(s).
-I am still tired 90% of the time.
-I manage to fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow at nap time, but at night it takes me about 2 hours to un-whined and get comfortable.
-I try and fall asleep on my side{every night}, but end up waking up on my back, out of breath!
-I wear maternity shorts and pants, but still can wear non-maternity shirts. I always wear my shorts and pants that are non-maternity with my belly band.
-Breelynn moves ALL the TIME! I am not sure she ever sleeps.
-I have been to the doctor several times with LOTS of pressure down below. I have another ultrasound Monday to check the length of my cervix. If it is thinning, then it will bed-bound for me. Boooooo
-I love to take baths!(this was the same with Blakely) Not that I don't always enjoy a good soak in the tub, but for some reason while pregnant, I enjoy one about every other day...maybe to take away all my aches and pains?!?!
-Blakely still kisses my belly all the time and talks to "sissy" alot. She also likes to sit with her hand resting on my belly in hopes to feel Breelynn move. Which she has!
Ok enough for now. It's nap time and I hear my bed calling my name!

I want to see a belly pic since I haven't seen you in forever! :-) Hope you get your energy back soon!
Hope all is well! Just a side note: I had pelvic pressure with Kaden my ENTIRE pregnancy & all was okay. It seriously felt like he was going to fall out & that I had never ending menstrual cramps! I will say prayers that everything turns out okay.
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