The 12ft tree was just a little TOO tall!
Friday, November 27, 2009
The 12ft tree was just a little TOO tall!
Lil B's Christmas

Leap Frog Text and Learn! She loves our cell phones and we are hoping this will help with our long car trips. Got it here!

Dress up trunks! Got them here and here!

A Bouncy House, for all those COLD winter Days! Got it here!

A Scooter! She tries to steal the neighbors all the time! {Got it here} She isn't allowed on with out on without one of these:
I can't decide though.....

Can't wait to get her some more of her smaller things! I have picked up a couple of these! These are great for anyone who has little ones 2 and up!
Happy Shopping! What are you getting your kid(s)?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Avery's 3rd Birthday Party
So her Mommy planned a Three Musketeer's themed Birthday Party! The invitation was a Pink Mask that she made(forgot to take a picture of it).
I used my sewing machine again and attempted to make a Barbie Cape for all the girls with the help of Avery's Mommy, Colleen.
Flight Suit Party
What it is, is where you take one of your husband flight suits and make it into a Girly Outfit! I bought a sewing machine so I could make my own! {On a side note, I have never sewed a day in my life and was quit scared of the thing when I took it out of the box!}
There were so many different flight suit and you got to see how creative people were! I thought every one's turned out beautifully.
This was mine! (My friends Andrea, (me), and Dani)
Check out all the Different Flight suits!
This one was one of my favorite made by my friend Chauna!
Ali's Baby Shower
I co-hosted a baby shower a couple of weekends ago for a dear friend of mine, Ali. She is expecting her first child in February and she is having a BOY! Connor!
(This is Ali and Tiffany)
(Us girls and baby Abby)
(Our beautiful food display)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Just Lil B'
I haven't posted many pictures of just Blakely, so here are a bunch of her, being her....
Aggie is joining in on the fun...
Monday, November 9, 2009
Friend Makin Monday

I have to admit, I am not crazy about candles that smell like food{ex: peach cobbler, apple, pumpkin spice, vanilla, etc.}!
As I have gotten older, the way I feel about candles has certainly changed.
I love more of a flowery scents. And for the BEST flowery scent:

More scents that make me happy(and I have at home):
Fluer De Lis
High Maintenance
Dolce Vita
Beach Blonde
*Tyler also carries all the Food Scents for those of you who like those as well!
Convo with Lil B
Sunday Daddy went to the Officer's Club with some friends to watch the Dolphins vs. Patriot's this were it gets funny.
Lil B: "Momma where's Daddy?"
Me: "Remember he went with Kegger to watch Football?"
Lil B: "Ohhh yea.........Can we turn Football on to watch Daddy and Kegger?"
Me: Laughing at her sweet incidents and thinking she thinks her Daddy is always going to be on television. Just too funny!
Happy Monday!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Jut keepin it real.
The truth is, I have the hardest time with her hair and it is FAR from beautiful! My poor little girl was born with her mommas hair! Thin, stringy, and flat! {another truth: my hair looks like this too in the morning!}
I don't know how to control this mess! I have tried everything! I buy salon shampoo for her hair(Paul Mitchell has a great kids shampoo called, KIDS), detangler after shampooing, silking gloss, etc. Nothing seems to work, so this is what I deal with every morning! I have to wet it all over again, dry it, and....wait for it----sometimes FLAT iron it! :::::::sigh::::::: I know, it's horrible, but sometimes it is just the easiest thing from both of us!
Please tell me I am not the only one that goes through this!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Kreativ Blog Award!

1. Thank the person who nominated me for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on my blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated me for this award.
4. Name 7 things about myself that people may not know.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each.
7 Things you might not know about me
1. I have this compulsion to always see if I can make things, that someone else has made. I figure that someone had to have made it, so why can't I? Now, I do fail(at many things), but I at least wanted to say I 'tried it' or 'attempted it'.
2. My husband is a pilot and I have a fear of flying. (Where's the irony in that?)
3. I started this blog to stay in touch with friends and family, but ironically I have made many new and fun friends through my blog!
4. I use to sign onto MySpace at least 6-9 times a day, but deleted it because I realized my obsession. (so now with my Blackberry, I just look at FB all day and never have to sign on!)
5. We are trying for another baby.
6. I was born and raised in Gulf Breeze, Florida. {a small slice of Heaven}
7. I ate up to 3 packs of bacon a week while pregnant with Blakely.(can we say cardiac arrest?!?!)
Here are the 7 bloggers I chose to nominate in no particular order:
(some of you may have already been nominated, but please bare with me)
1. Just Beachy- Chris has some amazing talent for decorating and always has great tutorials for how to make things she has done! And I am IN LOVE WITH her daughters room!
2. Samsters Mommy- Samster's mommy is so crafty and creates the cutest outfits for herself and Sam. I enjoy checking out creations!
3. Jen Jen @ Tatertots and Jelly- This is the best blog to stop by and check out! She does everything from making jewelry to sharing her family to step by step crafts! She seems like someone that I would just love to have a day of talking, painting toes, crafting, and maybe sipping a glass a wine.
4. Katherine @ Pink, Green, and Southern - I love visiting her blog and seeing her lovely family. She reminds me of myself, which is also refreshing! We also are two southern girls trapped in a town that doesn't know a thing about the "southern" life style.
5. Pink Cashmere Cardigan- I can't say enough about how cute this blog is. She has a wonderful family and I love that she is into everything monogrammed!
6. Cydney @ Sweet Caroline's Boutique- Cydney is a creative mommy, who knows how to make anything appliqued, monogrammed, a-lined, pants, etc. She has a special eye and talent for children's clothing and not to mention her own fashion!
7. Shanty to Chic- If you have never stopped by this blog, you have GOT to TODAY! These two sisters have quite the knack for making beautiful decorations with common house hold/store bought/craft section items and turning them into simple projects that anyone can do! Thanks for sharing girls!
Now your turn to accept my award to you and pass on the love!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Molly's Baby Shower Cake
Congrats Molly and Welcome to the World Lex!
Wedding cake with Butter cream filling. Vanilla Marshmallow Fondant. Serves 20
Lillee's 7th Birthday Cake
I tried to match the Cake to the invitations as best as possible.

Sorry the picture is so dark, it was taken with my cell phone and it was like 10pm at night!
Thought it tired out pretty cute! Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Butter cream filling. Marshmallow Fondant. Feeds 45
Annual Halloween Party
We DID have little boys at the party. . .they all were down stairs(hiding from all the little girls).
We planned many fun games to play, trying to accommodate the wide array of age groups. We had a Pumpkin Bean Bag Toss, (of course) the Book and Coloring Stations, Guess your Name(where you pin a piece of paper to the kids back, that has a Halloween Themed name on it. Ex: Witches Brew, Black Cat, Spider, etc.), Make the Daddy a Mummy, and the Pinata!