Friday, August 28, 2009

Sick Baby, shoppin' Mama!

Blakely has been sick all week! The poor thing caught a virus, as another ear infection, and has had a nice elevated temperature on top all that! So, mommy and Blakely have been stuck at home for 5 days! That's right! Only getting out to run a few errands that consisted with the littlest of human contact! UGH!

I'll get to my point! Since, I have been stuck at home all week, I have been SHOPPING!

I have been getting things ready for school and trying to buy some winter clothes here and there for our growing princess.

Last week, I ordered her a toddler lunch box and sippy cup from Baby Face Designs for the new school year! It should be getting here soon! Picture later!

I also found the CUTEST rain boots for this fall/winter! Check them out!

Too cute, huh? Now I have to find a little rain coat to match!

Can you tell I'm bored???? I also finished my first 'real' cake order(which means I was paid for making it)! I'll post pictures and I little story behind it soon! By for now!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back to Blogging more, soon. . .

Things have been crazy around here lately! Not crazy bad, crazy good. Thus, is why I haven't been able to keep up with my blog, my friends, my hair, my t.v. shows, i could go on but don't want to make this longer then it should be.

Just wanted to let you know what we have been up to lately and why I haven't had a second to call or talk longer then a few seconds. I love my family and friends dearly and thank you for putting up with me!

in the past week we have had a 2-day yard sale(tag sale for you northerners), which took us a whole previous weekend to get ready for! Getting Blakely ready for school(Parents Day Out), signing her up for activities for this fall/winter(to keep us both busy), ballet(which I just found out she will be in her first recital this winter and starts tap in Nov./Dec. time frame)! I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure out my 'role' with MOPS...creative director? creative activity lady? where do I get the money to buy and get the stuff for this crafts? {i have so many questions with my role and no answers.} baking cookies for a bake sale! Bunco! Date night with my husband! thanks babe for dinner and taking me to The Time Traveler's Wife. I know I cried 90% of the movie, but it was sooooo good.

Did I mention Birthday's?!?!? Birthday's galore! Mom . . .your first!?!?!? What do you want for your birthday?

I love all my followers and I love all my family! I will get it together and start blogging again, soon!

Have my first real cake order this week! Check back soon for pictures!

Love ya!

Collage Wall!

As I had mentioned in a previous blog, we had a fabulous beach portrait session this summer with Tiffany at Avant Images! And we finally had time to purchase oodles of picture frames to put the in! Which means I got to do one of my favorite things. . .change our previous picture wall and arrange them and re-arrange them until it was perfect! This is the old wall! We put the older pictures up the stair way, I'll try and remember to post a picture of that when I get around to it.

thank you again Tiffany for all the wonderful pictures! you do an amazing job!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Our little Princess started her Creative Movement Ballet Class this year at Center Stage Academy! She did unbelievable well and really enjoyed herself.
Not to mention, I enjoyed myself, watching her twirl, tip-toe walk, jump, etc!

Deanna Rose Farmstead

We took the girls to a local petting zoo, Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead. There is a TON of things for kids of all ages to do. Petting Zoo, Fishing, Hay Rides, Dairy Farm Feedings, Pony Rides, Playgrounds that look like Trees, etc.

Such a good time! Feeding the baby goats was mine and Blakely's favorite part. We did it twice.

{check out the baby goat eating Blakely's shirt. . .he followed her around and munched on her top the whole time and she LOVED it! She just kept saying, "Goats eating my shirt Mommy!"}

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Help me decide!

I just can't decided! I like SOooo many costumes this year and with Blakely at the age where she can fit into LOTS of different types of costumes(and pull it off), I am having a hard time deciding!

I need some help and I'm going to take a vote! Please let me know which one you like!

1. The first one I do not have a picture of, I really just have a image in my head that I could make myself. I was thinking Fancy Nancy! I could get the glasses, pull her hair up on her head, put some flowers in it, boas. . .you get the picture.

2. Our little Cupcake

3. Little Bo Peep!

4. 50's Jitterbug Girl. I would curl her hair, had a sweet yellow head band, get her some Saddle Shoes, lacing socks, etc.

5. The Good Witch

6. Super Bumble Bee!

Let me know what you think! Thanks for you help!