Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back to Blogging more, soon. . .

Things have been crazy around here lately! Not crazy bad, crazy good. Thus, is why I haven't been able to keep up with my blog, my friends, my hair, my t.v. shows, i could go on but don't want to make this longer then it should be.

Just wanted to let you know what we have been up to lately and why I haven't had a second to call or talk longer then a few seconds. I love my family and friends dearly and thank you for putting up with me!

in the past week we have had a 2-day yard sale(tag sale for you northerners), which took us a whole previous weekend to get ready for! Getting Blakely ready for school(Parents Day Out), signing her up for activities for this fall/winter(to keep us both busy), ballet(which I just found out she will be in her first recital this winter and starts tap in Nov./Dec. time frame)! I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure out my 'role' with MOPS...creative director? creative activity lady? where do I get the money to buy and get the stuff for this crafts? {i have so many questions with my role and no answers.} baking cookies for a bake sale! Bunco! Date night with my husband! thanks babe for dinner and taking me to The Time Traveler's Wife. I know I cried 90% of the movie, but it was sooooo good.

Did I mention Birthday's?!?!? Birthday's galore! Mom . . .your first!?!?!? What do you want for your birthday?

I love all my followers and I love all my family! I will get it together and start blogging again, soon!

Have my first real cake order this week! Check back soon for pictures!

Love ya!

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