Friday, June 11, 2010

Cailey Lynn

I am a little late(7 weeks) on this post, but I wanted to make sure it was ok with her mommy and daddy(my brother and sister-in-law), but we have a new attention to our family! Cailey Lynn! My niece arrived a few weeks early(as did her older sister, Campbell) weighing in a healthy 7lbs. 2oz.; 19 1/2 inches long; April 21st! She is adorable and we can't wait to meet her and hold her and kiss her all over! (Mommy was healthy too!)

{Lawrence, Cailey, and Whitney after delivery}

{The girls, Campbell and Cailey}

{Cailey a few weeks old}

{Cailey and Campbell-more recent photo}

I love these two little girls so much and can't wait to see them! From what I understand Cailey is totally different then Campbell, so I am interested to see how different they really are! I like to call Campbell my crazy niece because she is seriously the funniest kid ever! She is a fast thinker and always has something witty or funny to say! She also has no fear and will jump, climb, try just about anything! I love that kid! She makes me smile every time I think of her!

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