The 509
th Bomb Squadron every year holds a Pancake Breakfast with Santa. There are always pancakes(duh) with many toppings to choose from, crafts, games, and
of course pictures with Santa.
Blakely and Daddy enjoying her Sprinkle Pancakes.

This is as close to Santa as we got.
Blakely still isn't a fan of him and kept saying, "Santa is scary."

This is
Blakely being afraid of Santa and having one of her melt downs. Look at those eyes!

Only Family Picture we got.

There was a cookie decorating table(her looking around for Santa, making sure he wasn't coming to get her.)

Avery and
Blakely enjoying the cookies they decorated. Shortly after this is freaked out because she got icing on her hand. She highly dislikes getting dirty/messy.

So we got her a cookie without any icing on it.

Making Daddy hold her...

After she figured out Santa wasn't anywhere near the Christmas Musical Chairs, she joined in on the fun, winning 3 Ty Reindeer.
I am lol at B looking around to make sure Santa is coming for her!
Your little girl is so adorable. I just love her little dress:)
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