Sunday, November 8, 2009

Jut keepin it real.

I love when people complement on Blakely's hair. I love hearing, "She has such beautiful hair", "It's so straight", "I wish my hair looked like hers". . .The ugly truth is: S H E HAS the CRAZIEST hair! When she wakes up in the morning it looks like THIS:

The truth is, I have the hardest time with her hair and it is FAR from beautiful! My poor little girl was born with her mommas hair! Thin, stringy, and flat! {another truth: my hair looks like this too in the morning!}

I don't know how to control this mess! I have tried everything! I buy salon shampoo for her hair(Paul Mitchell has a great kids shampoo called, KIDS), detangler after shampooing, silking gloss, etc. Nothing seems to work, so this is what I deal with every morning! I have to wet it all over again, dry it, and....wait for it----sometimes FLAT iron it! :::::::sigh::::::: I know, it's horrible, but sometimes it is just the easiest thing from both of us!

Please tell me I am not the only one that goes through this!


  1. Brandy!! Stop blowdrying that hair and flat ironing it!!! She has pretty hair dont damage a poor 2 year olds hair!!!! She is 2 and her hair isnt suppose to be perfect. It is what it is! Poor B I hope your doesnt fall out!!!

  2. Pinkie wakes up every morning looking like Kate Gosselin!
