Thursday, November 12, 2009

Just Lil B'

We have been so busy lately. With parties, school, dance, play, cakes, meetings, baby showers, etc.
I haven't posted many pictures of just Blakely, so here are a bunch of her, being her....
The weather was beautiful a few days ago, so we played outside.
Aggie is joining in on the fun...
She told me it was bright outside, so she went inside to her playroom and got this:

Couldn't resist, the closed eyes...

She has gotten so big, it is a little unbelievable.

Check out her ponytail! Her hair is getting so long!

All ready for ballet!{so sassy}

After a dinner, Daddy gave her M & M...see um?

A beautiful Fall day! This is my favorite picture of her!

Bright sun...

Couldn't help but play with the pumpkins!

This was before school....

Tippy toes! She's really good at this...

She runs around the house like a little monkey before we go to school, she gets so excited!

So happy...

1 comment:

  1. She is adorable Brandy!! I can't get over it!!! I just love her smile!!!
