Sunday, November 1, 2009

Annual Halloween Party

We had our Annual Halloween party and it turned out great! We did have a little unexpected cooler weather then we thought, so we ended up with 20+ adults and 20+ kids mostly inside the entire time. Last year, we got to spend the majority of the time outside, so just goes to show you, you can't always predict the future and always have a back-up plan!
Some of the decor'. I didn't get as many pictures as I thought of all our hard work.

Enjoying some roll the ball while waiting for all the guest to arrive.

We tried to have "stations" for all ages sense we had such a wide range of age groups. (8 months to 8 years old). There was a coloring station and a Halloween Book Reading Station as well.
This was the "Halloween Coloring Station".

Some of the girls showing off their costumes.
We had a costume contest and we had 3 winners(everyone won actually, we couldn't let anyone leave with out a prize!). . .Everyone had a great time voting for their favorites, including the adults. (ok, Blakely got 2nd place!)

Daddy and Blakely the Bumble Bee.

We DID have little boys at the party. . .they all were down stairs(hiding from all the little girls).
Frankenstein(aka: Jack) making his way down the stairs.

Pinata time! This would be the whole 5 minutes we made it outside.

We planned many fun games to play, trying to accommodate the wide array of age groups. We had a Pumpkin Bean Bag Toss, (of course) the Book and Coloring Stations, Guess your Name(where you pin a piece of paper to the kids back, that has a Halloween Themed name on it. Ex: Witches Brew, Black Cat, Spider, etc.), Make the Daddy a Mummy, and the Pinata!

Ben getting wrapped by Reagan.

Organized Chaos.

This is Baby Abby, she is wearing Blakely's very First Halloween Costume.
The Bumble Bee and the Flower!

I think is was a success and can't wait for next year!


  1. How fun! Your little girl looks so darling as a bumble bee:) It looks like she had a great Halloween!

  2. Blakely looks adorable and that party looks like a ball!
