Monday, July 6, 2009

Gulfarium and Beach Baby!

we have been so busy with activities, i think i could sleep for 2 days straight! Blakely has had so much fun with her family and seeing everyone! the past week went to the Gulfarium to see the Dolphins, which wasn't even Blakely's favorite part. She had more fun watching the scuba diving lady feed the fish. we couldn't get her to leave. . .

{on our way to the Gulfarium}

{she spotted the scuba diving lady}

{she also mad a friend, who loved the lady just as much as she did!}

{wondering what she is doing.}

{love it!}
so, if you don't already know this i'll let you in on a little secret. . .Blakely isn't a fan of the beach(i know, it's almost like a crime!). she doesn't like to get dirty and according to her, she is "dirty" as soon as her little feet hit the sand. so, we thought if we went out to the beach with her cousins(Alexa, Sean Paul, and Abby), that maybe she would be a little more interested in the beach, if they showed her it was ok. it WORKED! kinda. . .she was hesitant at first, but came around in no time! now we just have to work on getting in the water with out thinking she is sinking. she doesn't really like the feel off the wet sand under her feet. but i must admit she was a trooper.

{the family}

{Sean Paul helping Blakely hold her bubbles.}

{blowing bubbles with Abby.}

{she's in!}

{yaya's turn to blow bubbles! those bubbles where a great little trick!}

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