Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Goodwill Party update!

Remember last week when I asked you if you where up for the challenge??? Well I have finished my project, which took me longer to post then actually do, but that's because it was so beautiful outside last week and weekend. In the Goodwill Party over at Thrifty Decor Chick you are able to go to any of your favorite stores. There is no Goodwill here, so went to my favorite antique store, then hit up the Salvation Army.

Here's what I found:

This is lovely little outdated mirror for $1.50!

With a few essentials and some mistinted paint I picked up for .50 at Lowes(you must look over in the paint section when you are at your local Lowes or Home Depot, they always have some great prices on mis-tinted paint).

A little paint. . .

And there you have it. A new place to put one of my plants! Also, look close I snagged up that little white bird for .50 cent!

I also got the picture on the wall with all the lovely summer fruits for $8(frame and all)! I changed it out with my wine picture that usually hangs there for the spring and summer months.
Now that was what I found for my Goodwill Party! What did you find? Let me know, so I can head over and check it out!!!


  1. How cute is that mirror!!!! I got a mirror last weekend from a neighbor who was gutting a new house and putting in all new everything basically. I spray painted it black and it is more beautiful than ever. Waiting to post photos until I get some Goo Gone to remove some paint that I got on the mirror.

    COngrats on your adorable finds!

  2. Love that blue that you used. Cool makeover. Happy Monday.
