Friday, May 29, 2009

recital, kinda...

Lil B has a few friends that are having their first dance recital{they are all 3 and under, so they have their recitals during the day},so we thought we would be supportive and go and watch!
Plus, I thought Blakely's would enjoy it, since she starts ballet soon.
We got ready, did our nails, our hair, and I let Lil B pick out her outfit{ofcourse I gave her chooses}.
Once we were on the road I text the mommy's and said we were on the way.
Well, they changed it(in my head) to tomorrow. ok, ok, so I put it wrong in my calendar, but I did know something was today! We are going to the 'big' girl recital tonight at 7pm to see some more of our friends daughters that are in the recital.

So, since we were all dressed up, I took some new pictures of a 2 year old Princess!
She is getting so big! Oh, and breathtakingly beautiful!

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