Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dining Room Table Redo!



so, you maybe asking yourself, W H Y, I did this. . .
a few reasons:
1. i want a new dining room set(this one is too small for this room), and i was secretly hoping this project would fail and we could get a new one.

2. i have done just about all my craft projects on this table and the top of it was showing years of wear and tare.
3. i thought the table looked lost in dining room b/c it blended in with my hard wood floors.
how do you think it turned out?
i am going to re-upholstery the chairs...what fabric do you think would look best??? i have a few chooses in mind, i think i will have a poll and choice the most popular one!
Check back soon for some opinions. I would be totally up for some suggestions if anyone has any!


  1. Lookin good girl! But to be honest - the before pictures looked pretty nice too! Then again, we can't see all the evidence of the craftiness going on in your house, so koodos for hiding the scuffs & stuff!

    XO - Katie

  2. Verrrry nice indeed! I love that you were secretly hoping you'd fail so you could get a new table. I do that all the time! But then once I'm done and I step back it's all worth it and I'm back in love with the thing I once loathed. Hope that happened with you and your lovely "new" table.

    Sherry (& John)

  3. Your table is great!! You are a risk taker!! and it always seems to work out! and I love the picture frame idea... I may be using that in our playroom.... it really needs something on the wallspace that we do have in there!
