Thursday, April 23, 2009

Chalkboard Wall Decals!

Several post ago, I gave you guys some ideas about Chalkboard paint! Well I have been throwing around a few ideas and working on another, but today a friend of mine, Dani, send me this really cool website of Chalkboard Wall Decals! So I thought I would share! Thanks Dani!

How totally cool is that! Some of you may not know, but I LOVE wall decals. I have have them in 5 different places in my house.
Check out her Etsy Store by clicking HERE.

This one below is totally mine!


  1. Brandy, I love wall decals too! I have them in my house everywhere too! These chalkboard ones are really neat! I had an uppercase living party a while back. You should see if there is a rep in your area! :)

  2. what a cute idea! of course, ALL people named Dani have great ideas :)

  3. I came across your blog post about my chalkboard designs and wanted to say thanks for the shout out!
