Wednesday, March 18, 2009

St. Patricks Day Party!

Our friend Lauri had a St. Patty's Day party/gathering at her home! It was a beautiful outside, which made for the perfect day! Thanks Lauri for hosting at your home and letting us make a mess of it!
All ready to head out the door! She is getting so big!
Enjoying riding the play horsey.
Paxton, Blakely, Kendall, and Erin
Time for CAKE! She loved it, of course!
Mommy and Blakely
Enjoying Paxton's Bubble blowing Mower...I think she might have to get one of these!
And of course, the cake was a hit. It actually tasted really good too!


  1. OMG, she is getting SO tall! Wow, she isn't a baby anymore! :(

  2. Looks like it was a fun afternoon - we were sad to miss it! Hope to see you guys soon.
