Tuesday, March 31, 2009

More inspiration

I am in LOVE with all of these lamps! I need 2 lamps for Blakely's room, so I am on a hunt for something similar to these. Keep your eyes open, if you find anything, let me know. I may have to splurge on one of these!

Shabby Chic/Vintage Inspiration!

I have been looking at ideas for Blakely's 'big girl' room. I am wanting to do a shabby chic/vintage look for it. BUT I am having a hard time figuring out exactly what we want. We have narrowed it down to 2 bedding sets and 2 different bed skirts. I am not wanting either bed skirt in the photos. So this is where you come in. Which one do you like?

{Bedding of Rose}
This bedding set is simple, but chic.

{Eyelet Cuff Bed skirt}
I love this and would place it with the Rose bedding.

{Gracie Bedding}
I love this room! The look is what we are going for in her room.

{Tutu Bed skirt}
This one is my absolute fav! I just love the youthful feel of it and the it could go with either bedding set.

We will be collecting pieces of this over time. It isn't something we are rushing into, but with the price of things these days, we will not be buying it all at once.
Let me know what you think!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Cool find!

Neutrogena came out with a new Pure & Free Baby Sunblock SPF 60+! If any of you have babies, like mine, that have sensitive skin this product would be perfect for you. It is only around $9.99 at any drugstore.

Tea Time

Here's a video of Blakely having a tea party with me, Raggidy Anne, and Dora! It was funny to see her keep pouring us tea. She played for 30 minutes, which in toddler time, seems like forever. I would have pulled it out earlier if I knew she would have so much fun with it. I am now on a mission to find her a Tea Set, that isn't breakable! I'll let you know what I find.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Ben/Daddy!

Ben turned 27 today! We were fortunate enough to have a friend watch Blakely, so we could go out to a nice dinner. Which was lovely not having to think about being in Mommy and Daddy mode! Since a storm came threw last night and iced the roads, we didn't get to the original restaurant we had planned on going too, but to our surprise the restaurant we choose here in The Burg turned out GREAT! Ben got lots of calls and a few gifts(to his surprise), so Thanks everyone! Happy Birthday Ben/Daddy! We love you!

About to leave to go out to Dinner.

Awwww, Adult Time, so precious!


I made a birthday breakfast casserole, see the '27'?

I made him his favorite cake, Red Velvet. Nothing fantasy, but made with Love!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

MOPS Bake Sale

We are doing a fundraiser for our MOPS group which is a bake sale. I wanted to do something different so I found a recipe for Cake Pops! Yummy! Click here for the recipe!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Changes coming...

I am going to be changing up our blog soon...so check back and enjoy!

Wish List Wednesday

About a year ago I was watching Oprah and she did a couple episodes on the book, The Secret, which basically says if you put things out there in the Universe, like wants, needs, etc. it will allow you to note and inspire the things you want in life. "It’s The Power of Positive Thinking and how it can be applied to attracting more money, better health, and relationships; in short, happiness." So, I thought what a better place to put these things, then on my blog, where many people in the universe may see them. I am being selfish and putting my wants first, starting with things I "WANT!". I think it is kinda freeing and truthful, so why don't you try. What would be on your 'Wish List Wednesday' be?

I am in love with this Cedar Printed Tank!

Elias Dress Dupioni would be perfect for my Reunion!

I want all these containers to organize my pantry. Actaully I want my pantry to look like this.

Coconut Sandals by Tory Burch(my friend Cydney turned me on to her, totally cute, huh?)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Fun with Papa and Yaya

Lots and lots of pictures, so be patience. Today we flew kites, blew bubbles, drew, played with neighbors, rode bikes, and played with PAPA and YAYA!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

St. Patricks Day Party!

Our friend Lauri had a St. Patty's Day party/gathering at her home! It was a beautiful outside, which made for the perfect day! Thanks Lauri for hosting at your home and letting us make a mess of it!
All ready to head out the door! She is getting so big!
Enjoying riding the play horsey.
Paxton, Blakely, Kendall, and Erin
Time for CAKE! She loved it, of course!
Mommy and Blakely
Enjoying Paxton's Bubble blowing Mower...I think she might have to get one of these!
And of course, the cake was a hit. It actually tasted really good too!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy St. Patricks Day!

Blakely and I are going to a St. Patrick's Day Playdate, so I thought I would bring a cake(since this is something I have been experiment with). I thought I would make a Hat since I wasn't 100% sure I would be about to actually make a Shamrock shape out of cake! Maybe next time! It didn't turn out perfect, but still cute!

Hope everyone has a fantastic St. Patty's day!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Family Time!

We just had some family come in town this past weekend. Ben's mom and sister! They hadn't seen Blakely since last summer, so it was nice watching them see all the new and wonderful things Blakely does. Grandma T, which Blakely calls her "T", and Aunt Adrianne "A-d-ian" come on Friday and left on Tuesday. During their stay we went to the Kansas City Zoo, went to the Park, out to dinner, out to lunch, got manicures and pedicures, toured the town of Warrensburg and played played played!

Adrianne also brought her dog, Avery, with her and Blakely fell in love with her. She called her, "puppy". She would wake up in the morning and ask for "puppy!" The next morning after Grandma T and Adrianne left, she walked into the room Grandma T was in and was saying, "T? T? T?" It was kinda sad seeing her wonder where everyone had gone.

We were so thankful they both come to visit us, especially thankful for them coming to spend time with Blakely.

She was worn out!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Weather one day to the next...

We basically had a blizzard outside Saturday...I swear we were just outside playing in the sun 2 days before that!
Looking out the back of our house.

Checking out the snow. Look at the now building up on the sliding glass doors.

Walking down to The Allen's to go sledding.

Getting ready to go down the hill.

Swinging with Avery.