Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ear Tubes Day!

Blakely had her surgery today on her ears and it went well. We arrived at 7:00am and left at 8:30am. Only had to be away from her a totally of 23 minutes. 8 minutes for the actual procedure and 15 for recovery. The anesthesia had her eyes a little dartty and unable to focus, but only for a short amount of time. Once they allowed us back, we could her her screaming as soon as we walked into the hallway.

She did have a side effect from the anesthesia, she started to vomit. Once we left and got home, she had 2 more bouts with vomiting. After being home for a couple hours, she seemed to be back to her normal self! Only way you can tell that something even happened to her is she will tilt her head to the side pushing her ears again her shoulders, in discomfort. Nothing a little Mortin or Tylenol hasn't taken care of!

Right after ward.

She wanted Daddy more then she wanted me.

So not happy!


  1. She is so sweet. Hope she feels all better very soon!

  2. Precious baby! She looks soo sweet! You have my prayers for NO MORE future ear aches!

  3. She is such a sweetie... I pray that she will no longer suffer from earaches...

  4. Bless her little heart! Glad she is feeling better.
