Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Baby Naming Help!

We need help with baby names! We are of course are going with a "B" name!
We just can't figure out a unique, interesting name!
I was hoping some of you might have some names for us. Both boy and girl, until we figure out the sex of the baby(which we will be doing, since neither one of us have the patience to wait.).
Thanks anything will help!

Raising Happiness

Today I just happened to catch a few minutes of the Rachael Ray Show and the segment was about How to Raise Happier Kids. Dr. Christine Carter wrote this book called, Raising Happiness. It was basically about different ways to help teach you and your child different ways to handle different situations(conflict, getting your kids to listen, gratitude, etc.)

I was so impressed with everything this lady had to say and thought it was worth sharing. I will be picking up a copy for Ben and I to read. Go over and check it out!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Date Night

I have been trying to keep Blakely busy and entertained a little more since Daddy has been gone. She tends to think of him more and cry for him when we aren't keeping busy. I have been trying to come up with little things for her and I to do together(letting her help me with water the flowers, planting flowers, taking out trash, making beds, taking her to the park, playing outside, etc.). I had a meeting the other night for MOPS, and I drug Blakely along with me(not because I wanted too, but I couldn't find a babysitter). I told her afterward we could go to the store and she could pick out whatever finger nail polish she wanted and we could have a date night afterward, if she was good, and come home, snuggle up in my bed, watch a movie and paint each others nail!

She was thrilled with this and got to stay up super late(to make sure her nails dried ofcourse).

Leaving with store with her polish.

She was so excited!

These are the colors she choose, ofcourse. BLUE! She loves blue.

We painted her toes the darker blue and finger nails the lighter blue!

Sunny Days

We had our first day of full sun and no wind! So that means it was our first day to spend all day outside and ofcourse, swimsuit time! We putted out the sprinkler and let the girls(Avery Parker, Reagan, Maddie, Brooklyn, Delaney) run and have fun!

Avery and Blakely being goofy!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Birthday Girl Flashback!

1st Birthday

2nd Birthday

3rd Birthday

I can't believe our Princess turned 3! We love you Blakely! The joy you have brought to our life is indescribable! Happy Birthday my love!

Dying Eggs!

We added vegetable oil to some of the dye to make the eggs marbleized! You have to try it next year! Super fun!

Easter to Remember!

So much happened this weekend(as I am sure everyone was busy with all the celebrating of Jesus), but we also had a surprise visit from Yaya and Papa(my parents). We had so much fun and enjoyed every minute with them! Wish the time didn't go by so fast! Here are some pictures from Easter Day.