Once again, I choose Tiny Prints to order Blakely's Valentine Cards for School! Check these little guys out! They are too cute!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Friend Makin Monday
The Simple Woman's Daybook
I am thinking....I need to clean my house or get out of it!
I am thankful...for my lovely husband and my toddler(who is screaming at me right now that she was apple sauce.)
I am praying...that everything goes ok and that I can get through the upcoming deployment.
I am reading...nothing at the moment, I want to start reading Eclipse again, soon!
I am creating...a few things at the moment! Keep an eye for them!
From the kitchen...I can whip up some yummy cakes!
Around the house...I have got to get organized!
One of my favorite things...is to sleep!
A few plans for the rest of the week...opening an account at a local bank, talking to someone about a loan for finishing our basement, sew, clean, doctor, dance, school, grocery store, CLEAN some more, wash my car, clean out my car, sweep the front walk.(I could go on!)

Sunday, January 24, 2010
My First Sewing Project/Gift
Blakely was invited to a birthday party, which was a "Mermaid Under the Sea" themed party. (Yes, I also made that cake for the party) The little girls was turning 5 and her mommy asked for people not to bring gifts.
Well it just so happen that I purchased this pattern by Dana over at MADE to make this little girl a skirt. I had ordered the fabric chiffon already(blue is the little girls favorite color), so I asked her Mama, if I could make the "birthday" outfit and Blakely give the little girl her gift early. To which she happily obliged! I also had picked up a shirt from Walmart and with some of the ruffled chiffon, I dressed up a shirt to match the skirt. For it being my first skirt and pattern I followed, I thought it turned out quiet nice!
Well it just so happen that I purchased this pattern by Dana over at MADE to make this little girl a skirt. I had ordered the fabric chiffon already(blue is the little girls favorite color), so I asked her Mama, if I could make the "birthday" outfit and Blakely give the little girl her gift early. To which she happily obliged! I also had picked up a shirt from Walmart and with some of the ruffled chiffon, I dressed up a shirt to match the skirt. For it being my first skirt and pattern I followed, I thought it turned out quiet nice!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Lauri's Shower Cake
Friday, January 22, 2010
First Bikini!
My Dear Friend, Cydney, who owns Sweet Caroline's Boutique just opened up a Boutique with her Mother and has to cutest stuff! Plus they offer LAYAWAY! Who does that? They do!
Head on over and check out some of their cute things! I ordered a few things, including Blakely's very first BIKINI! Look how precious this suit is! I couldn't resist!

Head on over and check out some of their cute things! I ordered a few things, including Blakely's very first BIKINI! Look how precious this suit is! I couldn't resist!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Nap Nanny
This is the must have!; The Nap Nanny !!!
This thing elevates baby 30 degrees, which is recommended by doctors for babies with: reflux, colic, colds or stuffiness, gas, and ear infections!
My Sister in Law, Whitney, who is expecting her second child told me about this, and had to share it with all my friends that have baby's or excepting a baby!

This is the must have!; The Nap Nanny !!!
This thing elevates baby 30 degrees, which is recommended by doctors for babies with: reflux, colic, colds or stuffiness, gas, and ear infections!
My Sister in Law, Whitney, who is expecting her second child told me about this, and had to share it with all my friends that have baby's or excepting a baby!

Monday, January 18, 2010
Kelly's Kids Rep

If you have never heard of Kelly's Kids, check them out HERE!
If you are interested in ordering from me or hosting a party(if you don't live near me and want to host a party and recieve the benefits from hosting, you can have a catolog party), please contact at brandyhipsh@hotmail.com.
Keep an eye out for my favorite's from KK's in the coming weeks!
Look forward to helping many of you with your KK purchases! Thanks for your support!

Monday, January 11, 2010
Open Letter to Lil B
My Dearest Blakely,
I need to tell you some things about yourself...
They make your Daddy and me, so very happy and proud of you.
You are 2 years; 9 months; and 7 days old...today.
You have grown as fast as everyone told us you would grow,
and it makes us very sad, but happy at the same time,
for you are such an amazing little girl.
We love:
I need to tell you some things about yourself...
They make your Daddy and me, so very happy and proud of you.
You are 2 years; 9 months; and 7 days old...today.
You have grown as fast as everyone told us you would grow,
and it makes us very sad, but happy at the same time,
for you are such an amazing little girl.
We love:
- how you brush your hair out of your face with both hands.
- your sweet soft voice.
- the way you talk to your baby dolls, as if they were your very own children.
- that you always say, "I'm a big girl, I do________", whenever you do anything 'big'.
- that you are potty training yourself.
- that you like to match your big girl panties to your outfit.
- how blue your eyes are.
- that people always ask us if we put lipstick on you because your lips are the prettiest shade of pink.
- that your hair always has static in it and stands up on your head.
- you always go around saying the Walmart saying, "Save Money, Live Better, Walmart!"
- that when we ask you to say your name you say, "Bwakwey Wynn Piff".
- I love how much you love your Daddy.
- that you love broccoli so much.
- you count past 20, but get tongue tied after 22.
- that your babysitter tells us all the time you are such a sweet child.
- you tell us when you "want to go night-night."
- you know the whole prayer at bed time.
- you are so in love with your dog, Maxx.
- that you love ballet so much.
- when you give kisses.
I could go on and on, but I just wanted to tell you how much your Daddy and I love everything about you!

Friday, January 8, 2010
My little Snow Angel
The weather here in Missouri has been the worst ever since we have lived here. I thought having spend 2 winters here, I maybe {kinda, sorta} knew what we were in for. Well, I ofcourse was wrong. The snow/weather has been crazy! For about 3 weeks now. We had been gone to Florida for most if it because it started the day we left.
Well, I thought it would be fun for Blakely to play in it! It is so soft, fluffy, and dry. I knew it was cold outside, but we ventured outside to "build a snowman".
We bundled up, which was Blakely's favorite part, putting all her snowsuit stuff on. She kept tell me, "I can't move! Look Mommy I can't move!" She was moving, just not as fast has she would have liked.

Well, I thought it would be fun for Blakely to play in it! It is so soft, fluffy, and dry. I knew it was cold outside, but we ventured outside to "build a snowman".
We bundled up, which was Blakely's favorite part, putting all her snowsuit stuff on. She kept tell me, "I can't move! Look Mommy I can't move!" She was moving, just not as fast has she would have liked.
Meet Lobster
Blakely got a zhu zhu pet for Christmas, if you don'tknow what this is,
you must live under a rock.
We also gave them as gifts to Blakely's cousins.
Blakely for some odd, strange reason, named hers
Please meet Lobster:
Lobster also traveled to Florida with us, he played with "Rat", which is Campbell's(her cousin's zhu zhu-not pictured).
This is Lobster and Rat playing together.(Blakely and Alexa playing with the hamsters)
I also wanted to mention this little guys runs around our house like another pet, he goes to the store with us, to bed with Blakely, and even hangs out on the couch. Strange, very strange...

Thursday, January 7, 2010
some of you may have known we were suppost to be heading home to Florida for Christmas, but the AF had different plans for us, so we ended up staying in MO for Christmas Eve and Day.
{we went to FL the day after Christmas}
Our Dear friends, The Allen's, had us over for Christmas Eve Dinner.
This is a picture of Lil B before we left for Christmas Eve Dinner.
{we went to FL the day after Christmas}
Our Dear friends, The Allen's, had us over for Christmas Eve Dinner.
{She's Dancing}

Family photo at The Allen's with ofcourse Avery too!

Blakely of course got to open one gift on Chrismas Eve and it was her Christmas PJ's...which she helped pick out(I can't say no!). And afterward they played with The Allen girls American doll girls....this is the one Blakely 'LOVED' and wouldn't put down.
We found it quite funny b/c the doll looked just like her! (she will be getting this one for her B-Day).
Family photo at The Allen's with ofcourse Avery too!
We came home after dinner and put out Sant's milk and cookies and ofcourse the reindeers carrots(she wouldn't let us forget to feed them! I think she must have read this in a book at school or something, because she just kept telling us they "needed food" too.

Daddy and Mommy stayed up last ofcourse putting things together and wrapping some last minute things....check out my cutie here!

ALL DONE! Santa came....and it was time for a night cap....

Opening present....
Daddy and Mommy stayed up last ofcourse putting things together and wrapping some last minute things....check out my cutie here!
ALL DONE! Santa came....and it was time for a night cap....
THE NEXT MORNING....she didn't know what to think. She just walked around, looking at everything and then finally screamed out! "Santa brought me a Doll House!"
Opening present....
At some point she got upset about something and was making this face:
Monday, January 4, 2010
We just returned home. . .
From a very wonderful, long trip. . .
we went home to Florida!
It was such a great time seeing everyone. . .
I didn't do much picture taking. . .
but I'll post the ones I have of all the fun stuff we did.
Hope everyone's New Year is starting off right!
I hope that your Christmas was amazing!
And that you are as loved as I am.
Just wanted you to know I was alive and will be back to blogging soon!
Can't wait to read all of our fun things you did{and got} for Christmas!