Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Summer! Summer! Summer!

I am totally ready for summer! I have been buying Blakely summer clothes here and there since we we got done with Christmas. When I found out we were going to a 'pool party' it got me started on my search for her swimsuits for this summer. Here are the 2 we decided on!
The summer can not come any sooner!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Parker's 5th Birthday Party!

Parker's Party was a Mermaid themed Pool Party! Why most of the kids have wet hair in the pictures.

Parker the Birthday Girl

The Mermaid cake! Made by her mommy! Amazing huh?

Sitting with the girls!

Saying "Boo!" She highly enjoyed those streamers!

She is telling me she wants "Boon" which means Balloon.

So big!


Enjoying looking at all the kids.

Blakely and Adam(her future husband according to Ben).

Just Funny!

Ben was feeding Blakely and got some pretty funny shots of Blakely with balloon hair! Thought I would share!

She thought it was funny too!

Great shot!

Friday, February 20, 2009

22 months old, already?

I was looking at Blakely yesterday, completely amazed at the beautiful toddler she is becoming. She has started to do so many new things lately, that it has me catching my breath! She has started to play baby dolls by herself. She will talk to them, lay them down on our stairs(not to self, she needs a baby bassinet), place a blanket over them, and say, "Sh, Shh, quiiiet." And pat their backs. She also wants the to sleep with them. ALL FOUR! She wants me to tell them goodnight and give them kisses too.

She also loves to ask, "Wuz tha?" Yes people, she is becoming a FULL BLOWN TODDLER! Just look at how big she looks in her newest pictures.
Goign to color in her tent.
Peek a boo!
Cooking for her baby.
Feeding her baby.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


We have always tried to teach Blakely how to be polite, but lately she has been 'regressing', so I am forced to ask her to ask/say/be polite.
The best funniest part is, I have been having to say to her, "How do you ask nicely?" Her response is, "Nice-ey" aka 'nicely'. Which has been freakin hilarious to Ben and I! Then we are like, "No, babe, 'Please'!" To which she response, "please."

Saturday, February 7, 2009


As most of you know, I am one of those people that highly believes in the theory, If it looks easy enough, then why not just do it yourself?!

I am hostessing a baby shower for a good friend of mine, Chauna on the 15th of Feb. and wanted to make my own cake for the shower. I wanted a fondant cake! I really am not a big fan of the way fondant taste, but I thought..."Maybe if I make my own, it will taste better!" With that said, I decided that I probably should practice first.

Ben is on a cross country this weekend, he headed down to P-cola for the Double Bridge Run, Blakely got sick, it was actually beautiful here this weekend(high 60's), but I was stuck inside with a sick baby....So I thought I would make Ben a Valentine's cake as a surprise! I first set out to find a 'decent' recipe for fondant and found one called "marshmallow fondant", which immediately caught my attention. THAT was WHAT I was GOING to make! So, I went to the store bought everything I needed. I wanted to make 2 colors, pink and red. Here is what it looked like after I made the fondant.

Next, I had to make the cake, which for me was the easiest part. I bought the box white cake! Something I didn't know about fondant cakes is that under the fondant is always icing, usually Butter cream. I am pretty sure you can use any of your favorite type of icing, but everything I read and watched, said use butter cream. The cake before the fondant:

After I let the butter cream set all day(until it gets hard), I added the fondant. I rolled it out to about quarter inch thick, rolled the fondant over the top of the cakes, and smoothed the top out with a fondant smoother. I continued this all over until it almost looked flawless. I also used cookie cutters for the shapes. Here is the finished product, I also made Blakely a mini version.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Valentine's Party

It was Blakely's Valentine's party at school today. I am not really sure what they did, but they told me Blakely wanted to color all day and when they told her it was time to put them away, she cried! Blakely get a bag full of Goodies and past her's out as well. I think the biggest hit was her outfit with all the teachers at PDO. They all came into her class just to see what she was wearing! Ofcourse, handmade by Sweet Caroline's Boutique(http://www.sweetcarolinesboutique.blogspot.com/)! We love our Cydney


My lovely friend Lisa, Tagged me for this! Thought it would be fun!

Here are the rules for this tag:
1. Go to the 4th folder where you keep your pictures on your computer.
2. Post the 4th picture in the folder.
3. Explain the photo.
4. Tag 4 fellow bloggers to join in the fun!

This is the Sample photo that our Photographer sent us when we got Blakely's 15 month old pictures. They were taken where I grew up(Pensacola Beach, FL) and someday hope to return too! Beautiful, huh?

My turn to Tag:
1. Cydney
2. Dani
3. Rhiannon
4. Mendi
And one to grow on: Kathy

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Valentine Treats!

Blakely gets to bring Valentine's to the kids in her class at Parents Day Out(PDO). We put them together today. They turned out so cute, so we thought we would share. Tomorrow is her class Valentine party(all the school districts are closed next Thursday), so I'll take some pictures and post them later.